Fees include the cost of a formal assessment in the Spring term, and two written reports on students’ progress each year.
All classes are compulsory
LSB groups Pointe / Pre-pointe and Repertoire classes are held at the same time to allow for movement between groups, depending on each student’s ability on pointe.
Fees must be paid in advance of classes taken.
Special guests may teach class from time to time. The fees cover this teaching as well. However, if extra masterclasses are offered these are optional and an additional fee will be charged for them.
Please note that a full term's notice is required, in writing, if a student intends to leave the course. This is necessary as we have committed teachers time and studio hire costs in advance.
A term's fees will be charged in lieu of notice if proper notice is not given.
Dates, class times and studios booked may be subject to alteration on rare circumstances of which we have no control